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Blonde's statute



Association with non-profit objective operating activity of private benefit










1. (1) Association with non-profit objective operating activity of private benefit “INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF BLONDES” called hereinafter “the association” is legal juridical person registered according to the provisions of the Low For Legal Juridical Persons With Non-profit Objective.


            (2) Association with non-profit objective operating activity of private benefit is separated by its members and it is responsible for its obligations with its property. The members of the association are responsible for the association’s obligations only to the extent provided contributions in this Statute.




            2. Any written statement on behalf of the association must contain its name, location, address, registration data, including its Tax ID/VAT number.




            3. The headquarters of the "International Association of Blondes":

Republic of Bulgaria, 1113 Sofia, Sofia Municipality, “Izgrev” quarter,
Joliot-Curie Str., bl. 20, entrance “A”, floor 14, office 1404.




            4. Main objectives of the association are:

Uniting as a community of women living in Bulgaria, and all committed to solving the main tasks of the association, regardless of their origin, nationality, citizenship, education or social status, social support, strengthen spiritual connections between people, outreach to other public bodies to strengthen the care of the situation of women in society, support the development of cultural relations in the European Union, with the preservation of national identities, making public processes, events and personalities in society, help to create favorable conditions for cooperation between economic operators from Bulgaria and European Union.




            5. The means by which the association will achieve its goals are membership fees.




            6. The association operates for the benefit of its members.




7. The activity subject of the association is: Cultural-educational, international, research, charity, business and other activities not prohibited by law, contacts with state structures, support for cultural and scientific exchanges with similar organizations and cultural institutions in other countries, producing cultural and educational events, festivals, dinners, exhibitions, meetings, lectures and conferences, support for research, relating to the historical ties between the Slavic world, establishing and expanding contacts with other scientific societies, educational institutions and foundations in other countries, the creation and development of creative and other funds, organization and implementation of participation in charity events, information consulting, publishing and translation, organization and symposiums, conferences, international exhibitions.




8. Association is not limited with period.




9. Members of the association may be active physical persons or legal juridical persons who wish to benefit from the work of the association and pay the membership fee of 200 EUR per year.




10. (1) Membership in the Association is voluntary:


(2) The applicant shall submit a written request to the Board, which declares that he is aware and accepts the provisions of this Statute. Candidates represented by legal persons request copies of documents for registration and the decision of the governing body for membership in the association.


(3) The Governing Board shall submit an application for compulsory voting at the next meeting of the General Assembly. Membership is acquired from the decision of the General Assembly.

Rights and obligations of the members


11. Members of the association have the following rights:


-          To participate in the management of the association

-          To be informed about its activities

-          To use the Association's property only if it is related to the exercise of activities and functions in its management bodies or those assigned by decision of those bodies

-          To use the results of the performance of the association under the provisions of this Statute


12. Members of the association shall:


-          keep the provisions of this Statute and to carry out the decisions of governing bodies of the association

-          to participate in the activities of the association and to work towards achieving the association's objectives

-          to raise the prestige of the association, to help increasing its property and not to undertake actions and omissions which are contrary to its objectives and discredit it

-          to be submitted the financial contributions provided  within this statute


13. Membership rights and obligations, except for the property are not transferable and are not passed onto other persons in case of death or termination.


14. The association’s members are entitled to authorize third parties to exercise their rights and fulfill their obligations, which shall be in writing and shall take effect upon written notification to the board. In these cases they are responsible for the failure of their duties by the empowered person.


15. The obligations of the association's members are responsible only to the extent provided in this Statute property contributions and creditors are not allowed to bring their personal rights to property in excess of this amount.


Termination of membership


16. The membership in the Association shall be terminated:


-          with unilateral written statement addressed to the Governing Board of the association

-          death or placing under judicial disability, respectively, with the termination of the legal personality of the member of the association

-          with termination of the association

-          with unpaid property contributions and systematic non-participation in activities of the association


17. (1) Member of the association may be expelled by decision of the General Assembly upon the proposal of the Board when:


-          Are violated obligations laid down in Article 12

-          Are taken other actions that make its further membership in the  association incompatible

(2) In minor cases of violations of Article 12 Governing Board shall decide on the period for an injunction and to remove its effects, failing which will be proposed for exclusion.


18. (1) Dropping out is found when a member of the association:


-          has not made his entrance fee (art. 52 and 54) within the prescribed period

-          fails to pay arrears or 2 consecutive installments of membership fee

-          has suspended its participation in the activities of the association, has not been present for more than 2 consecutive meetings of the General Assembly and others.


(2) The above circumstances are detected by the Governing Board of the Association and it reflects in the documentation of the association.


19. Upon termination of association membership the association is not due to return the property made contributions. Terminated member is required to make financial contributions outstanding for the period of its membership.




20. High Authority of the association is the General Assembly; its governing body is the Governing Board




21. (1) The General Assembly comprises all members of the association


(2) Legal entities participating in the meeting by those who represent them.


(3) Members of the association may authorize other person to represent them in one or any number of sessions of the General Assembly. The proxies are not allowed to represent more than three members. They are not allowed to authorize third parties.


Competence of the General Assembly


22. General Assembly:


1.      amend the Statute;

2.      accept (Rules of Procedure of the Governing Board, the Rules for the conduct and reporting of business activities, statements, etc.);

3.      accept and expel members;

4.      decide on opening and closing of branches;

5.      decide on participation in other organizations;

6.      decide on the conversion or termination of the association;

7.      adopt guidelines and program activities of the association;



            23. The General Assembly shall be convened by the Governing Board of the association. The meeting should be held in suitable accommodation in the locality at the headquarters of the association.


            24. Initiative has convened its Board. One third of the members of the association may request Board to convene a general meeting and if he does not send a written invitation within one month from the date of the written request, the meeting is convened by the court at the seat at the written request of interested members or nominee.


Right to information


            25. The invitation should be written to the agenda, date, time and place of the general meeting and a statement on whose initiative the same shall be convened. The invitation is published in the Official Gazette and shall be placed on the notice of the registered office of the association at least one month before the scheduled day.


            26. At the date of publication of the invitation the previous article written materials relating to the agenda must be available at the address of the association and to be provided to each member upon request.




27. (1) General Assembly is legal if more than half of all members. If a quorum shall be adjourned for one hour at the same place and under the same agenda and is considered valid with no matter how many members present.


(2) A quorum shall be established by the chairman of the meeting list, which reflect the names of members present and their representatives, signed by them validated by the chairman and secretary of the meeting and is attached to the record about it.




            28. In voting, each member of the association shall have one vote.


Conflict of interest


29. Member of the association is not allowed aloud in resolving issues relating to:


1.      him, his spouse or relatives of direct line without limitation, collateral to the fourth degree or by marriage to the second degree


2.      Entities in which he is a manager or can impose or block decisions.




30. Decisions of the General Assembly are taken by simple majority (50% plus 1) of the votes present. Decisions under Art. 22, items 1 and 7 are taken by qualified majority, two thirds of those present.


31. General Assembly can not take decisions which are not included in stated in the agenda of the meeting.




            32. (1) For each session of the General Assembly Minutes shall be certified by the chairman of the meeting and the producer of the Protocol, responsible for the accuracy of its content.


            (2) Protocol with an attached list of attendees and written materials and convening the general meeting shall be entered into a special book.


            (3) Each member present at the general meeting is entitled to ensure proper coverage of the meeting and decisions taken on it in the minutes.




            33. Each member of the association, the Management Board and the prosecutor may refer the court by the registration of the association to rule on the legality of the decision of the General Assembly or its compliance with this Statute. This should happen within a month of learning of the decision, but not later than one year from the date of its adoption.




            34. The Governing Board shall consist of 3 persons members of the association.




35. The Governing Board shall be elected for an indefinite period, as its members may be reelected indefinitely.




36. Governing Council:


  1. represents the Association and designate the representative power of its members;
  2. ensure the implementation of decisions of the General Assembly;
  3. dispose of the assets of the association in compliance with the requirements of this Statute;
  4. prepare and submit to the General Assembly a draft budget;
  5. prepare and submit to the General Assembly report on the activities of the association;
  6. determine the order and organize the activities of the association, including that the common benefit, and is responsible for this;
  7. determine the address of the association;
  8. adopt rules for its work;
  9. decide on all other matters, except that the jurisdiction of the General Assembly of the Association.




37. (1) Meetings of the Board shall be convened by the President on his own initiative, but not less frequently than once every ... months and at the written request of any of its members. If the President does not convene a meeting within seven days of written request, such shall be convened by any interested member.


38. (1) The meeting is regular if attended more than half the members of the board. For the present is considered the person with whom there is a telephone connection, ensuring the identification and allowing participation in the discussions and decisions to be certified by the Protocol Chair who is responsible for meeting.


(2) Regular decision can be taken and held without a meeting if this protocol is signed without remarks and objections by all members of the board.


(3) On protocols for meetings of the Board shall apply the provisions of Article 32.


39. The meetings are chaired by the President of the Board and in his absence from elected member from the board.




40. The Governing Council shall take decisions by majority of those present




41. Any interested member of the association may object to the General Assembly decision of the board which is made contrary to the law, this statute or earlier decision of the General Assembly. This should be done within one month of becoming aware, not later than one year from the date of decision.


Liability of members of the board


42. Board members jointly and severally liable for their actions, damaging property and interests of the association.


Chairman of the Board


43. The Management Board shall elect from among its members President, and define and decide about his functions.


44. Chairman of the Board is not entitled to dispose or encumber the property of the association.




            45. In the general meeting of the association may be opened and closed branches and departments outside the locality in which is the seat of the association.


            46. Branches and departments are not legal juridical persons. They are governed by the manager and carry out activities decided by the General Assembly for their detection. By the same decision are designated the powers and limitations in the authorization of the manager.


            47. Branches and departments keep books with activities and at least once a year the branch manager submits to the management board of the association report for the spent activities of the branch or the department.


            48. The Governing Board of the association told the court in whose district the seat of the branch name, domicile and address of the association office and address of the branch, his manager and limits of its powers and representative government. On application and subject to the above changes in circumstances. Stating be made within 7 days from the date of the decision of the General Assembly.




            49. The property of the association shall consist of ownership and other real rights on movable and immovable property, receivables and other rights regulated by law.




            50. Sources of funds of the association are property contributions of members, the business provided for in this Statute, donations from individuals and juridical persons, sponsorship.


Material contributions of members


            51. Property contributions of the members are determined by type and size of the General Assembly, stating in its decision and the manner of their introduction.


            52. All members of the association due to an annual membership fee of 200 euros payable up to two weeks from the date of the decision of the board. If the member delays he owes interest rate of 5% of the amount due.


            53. Upon completion of the annual balance sheet with total loss Assembly may decide the members to make additional contributions to cover the majority if two thirds of those present.



            54. (1) The Association will not carry on business which is not connected with the main activities foreseen in this Statute, and will use proceeds from it only for the purposes of the association.


            (2) Carrying out activities in the first subparagraph shall be subject to the procedures established by the laws of which it is governed.


            (3) The association does not distribute profits.


Spending on property


            55. The association may spend property and operates the extent that they aimed at realizing the targets set under this statute.




            56. The association can be transformed into another entity with non-profit objective. The transformation shall be decided unanimous.




57. The Association shall be terminated with decision of the general meeting.




            58. Upon termination of the association is doing liquidation, for which the provisions of the Commercial Law.


PROPERTY after the liquidation


            59. If the General Assembly has not acted on the distribution of assets remaining after satisfaction of creditors, liquidator encash property of the association and then distributed among members according to their property made contributions.




            60. (1) This statute was adopted on a constituent assembly to create non-profit organization to operate for private benefit “International Association of Blondes” in Sofia on Feb. 18, 2008.


            (2) The list of the founders signatories to the Charter to be considered an integral part of this Statute.


(3) If there are contingencies cases in this Statute, as well as about the interpretation and application of its provisions, the provisions of the Law for non-profit juridical persons. The provisions of this statute, if contrary to law, shall be replaced by right of its mandatory rules.


The list of founders of Association with non-profit objective operating activity of private benefit




  1. Irina Lyubenova Belevska
  2. Adriana Pavlova Tzaneva
  3. Olga Vladimirovna Uskova